Assam Banga Yogi Sammilani lost a prominent member and the former Vice President of ABYS, Shri Amalendu Bikash Chowdhury on 31st July 2021 at the age on 93. Late Shri Choudhury was the founder of the prominent landmark jewelry showroom in Rashbihari crossing Kolkata , “ R.Choudhury and Grandsons” .
Shri Choudhury was born on 5th of January 1929 in Fateyabad Village of Chattogram District . He passed matriculation examination in 1946 and later IA and B.Com from Kolkata Bangabasi college, post which he joined his father’s Jewelry business the famous “R Choudhury and Sons” in Boubazar. With his hardwork and perseverance he took the brand to new heights and earned trust of innumerable patrons. In the beginning of the millennium he became less active due to age related problem.
The contribution of the Late Shri Chowdhury to the prosperity of Assam Banga Yogi Sammilani is significant. He will always be remembered for his generation donation of two lakh rupees for the construction of the Sammilani Bhavan. The Dharamshala of Sammilani Bhavan is named after his wife. He also introduced student scholarships in the memory of his father Shri Rebati Ranjan Chowdhury and mother Smt Brajrani Chowdhury and created an education fund for the meritorious and needy student.
Om Shanti